Our Teaching Method
Language Play classes largely use the La Jolie Ronde tried and tested teaching resources and methodology. Established in 1983, La Jolie Ronde offers unique and carefully structured and progressive French and Spanish courses for children 2-12 years, to help them excel in the target language. Its award-winning and proven programme is used as part of the curriculum and in extra-curricular language classes in hundreds of schools in the UK and around the world.
Our courses introduce all the 4 linguistic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The latter two are introduced gradually and sensitively in line with the child's linguistic development in general and as he/she progresses through the course.
Your child can join the course at a point appropriate to his/her age and learn with children of their own age. Each lesson follows a structured lesson plan with a precise list of vocabulary and phrases. Within each lesson, there are many opportunities for extension work so that every child is given the chance to progress at his/her own pace.
Alongside the award winning La Jolie Ronde resources, Language Play creates and makes use of other well selected teaching resources and materials for each age specific course to provide further valuable practice of the target language skills.
Our method is clear: we play with language and in the process we learn!
Our classes are engaging and stimulating - we aim to make the process of language learning as creative and fun as possible with age appropriate activities from interactive games to role pays to enacting stories and reciting poems.
In the process we aim to develop the necessary language learning skills for learning any foreign language (eg. learning to listen for gist or detail, looking for clues to aid comprehension, developing the ability of prediction, mastering basic language manipulation etc...) and to nurture a lifelong love of languages.
Our mission is simple: we are dedicated to inspire the next generation of linguists.

www.languageplay.co.uk, silvia@languageplay.co.uk | 07748 181450
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This website is owned and managed by ‘Language Play’, who are operating under Licence to La Jolie Ronde (Licence no. 8514). All content, advice and opinions raised on this website are the responsibility of ‘Language Play’ and not of La Jolie Ronde Ltd.