La Jolie Ronde has been at the forefront of early language teaching for the past 30+ years. For more information on La Jolie Ronde please click here. Its programme has been developed by language experts for language teachers and it has been tested and proven, so you can be safe in the knowledge that we are not experimenting on your child. La Jolie Ronde has been and continues to be used successfully by thousands of children in the many language centres and schools around the world. Language Play only employs highly qualified linguists who are highly skilled and trained to deliver lessons of the highest standards. For more information on our teachers please click here
How many children are in a Language Play class?
Nursery/Pre-school – maximum 10/11 children
Age 5+ – maximum 12/13 children
How much does it cost?
With Language Play there are no membership fees. Fees vary depending on the length of the lesson and the hiring cost of the venue (room hiring costs in primary schools or public venues vary) but they are usually between £6.75 and £7.50 per half hour up to £9.25 for 45 minutes. All programmes are supported by an activity book and a learning CD for the pupils.
When are the classes running?
The class duration is usually 30 minutes but may vary from 25 minutes for a Nursery class to up to 45 minutes for Junior classes. Classes run weekly during term time only. Each term usually runs for 11/12 sessions. Booking is made by term and is payable in advance. Classes run in primary schools at lunchtime and after school and during the day in nurseries and open centres. Please see the Venues page.
At what age should my child start to learn a new language?
Research has shown that the younger your child is the better they are at acquiring languages as young children are more relaxed and better at imitating sounds and pronunciation. The more they enjoy learning a language when they are young, the more likely they are going to find it a positive experience when they are older.
Under 5's particularly enjoy stories and love singing songs. It is amazing to witness how much they take in and how quickly and effortlessly they learn! Whilst fun, all the activities in the programmes aimed at the youngest have been developed by professionals in the language field and are always based on sound educational practice.
For more information on the benefits of learning a language at an early age, please click here.
How will my child’s progress be monitored?
End of term reports are issued at the end of every full term and continuous check-lists are used as the children advance through the programmes. Home activity is given every other week/every week depending on the age of the child and this is a good way to keep a steady pace of progress.
What level of French/Spanish will my child have attained by completing the La Jolie Ronde course?
The La Jolie Ronde programmes are taught in a variety of settings: formally in schools, as part of the curriculum, or less formally in Language Centres or as an extra-curriculum activity in Primary Schools and Nurseries. Each of these will have its own language learning objectives: some will concentrate on listening and oral confidence; others will want to include reading and writing proficiency as well. According to the learning context, your child will be able to develop his/her language learning potential, with the course providing opportunities to excel in the 4 Linguistic Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Whatever level of performance is reached in these 4 skills, your child will be used to manipulating and communicating in a foreign language and will have acquired quite a broad vocabulary. He/she will have begun to read and write independently in French or Spanish and have the confidence to make the most of his/her language learning at Secondary School.